16 useContext() - State Management - Nextjs


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16 useContext() - State Management - Nextjs

1. Introduction to State Management:

Understanding State in React:

  • State refers to data that can change over time within a component.

  • Components can have local state, which is managed within the component itself.

  • State is essential for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces.

Stateful vs. Stateless Components:

  • Stateful components (also known as Class components or Components with state) manage their own state using the setState method.

  • Stateless components (also known as Functional components) do not have internal state and receive data via props.

Importance of Effective State Management:

  • Effective state management ensures that data is consistent and up-to-date across components.

  • It helps in building scalable and maintainable React applications by organizing and managing data efficiently.

16 Context API :

The Context API in React allows you to share data across components without having to pass props manually, providing a centralized way to manage state in your application.

Purpose: Manages state for multiple components without prop drilling.

  1. Centralized State: Creates a central store of data accessible anywhere in the component tree.

  2. Provider-Consumer Model: Provider supplies data, consumers access it.

  3. Creating Context: Use createContext() to make a new context object.

  4. Provider Component: Wraps part of the tree and provides data via value prop.

  5. Consumer Component: Accesses data from nearest Provider using render prop or useContext hook.

  6. useContext Hook: Simplifies consuming context in functional components.

  7. Updating Context: Changes in Provider trigger re-renders in consuming components.

  8. Performance: Be cautious with deeply nested trees or frequent updates.

  9. Redux Alternative: Can replace Redux for simpler state management.

  10. Limitations: May not be suitable for all scenarios, especially complex state or performance-critical apps.

Implementing Context API in a Next.js Application

0. File Structure:

1. Create a Context File:

File Name: Context.js

"use client"; // This line seems unnecessary and might be a placeholder or comment. It doesn't affect the code.

import React, { createContext, useState } from 'react'; // ๐ŸŽฏ Import necessary modules

export const MyContext = createContext(); // ๐ŸŽฏ Create a context named MyContext

const Context = ({ children }) => { // Define a component named Context, which takes children as props
    const username = 'Ayush- MERN Stack Developer'; // Define a variable username
    const roll = 49; // Define a variable roll

    const [user, setUser] = useState('Ayush - MERN Stack Developer'); // Define state variables user and setUser using useState hook

    return (
            {/* <MyContext.Provider value={username} > */}
            {/* <MyContext.Provider value={[username, roll]} > */}

            <MyContext.Provider value={{ user, setUser }} > {/* ๐ŸŽฏ Provide the context with value of user and setUser */}
                {children} // Render children components within the context provider

export default Context; // Export the Context component as default

2. Wrap Your Next.js App with the Provider:

File Name: layout.js

import "./globals.css"; // Import global CSS styles

import { MyContext } from "@/LearnContext/Context"; // ๐Ÿ’€โŒ๐Ÿšจ
import MyContext from "@/LearnContext/Context"; // ๐ŸŽฏ Import the MyContext component from Context.js

export const metadata = { // Metadata object containing title and description
  title: "Create Next App",
  description: "Generated by create next app",

export default function RootLayout({ children }) { // Define a component named RootLayout which takes children as props
  return (
    <html lang="en"> {/* HTML tag with language set to English */}
      <body> {/* Body tag */}
        <MyContext> {/* ๐ŸŽฏ๐ŸŽฏ Use MyContext as a wrapper */}
          {children} {/* Render children components within MyContext */}

3. Consume Context in Components:

File Name: Faltu.js

import { MyContext } from '@/LearnContext/Context'; // Import the MyContext context from Context.js
import React, { useContext } from 'react'; // ๐ŸŽฏ Import necessary modules

const Faltu = () => { // Define a component named Faltu
    // const user1 = useContext(MyContext); // Use useContext hook to access the context and assign it to user1

    // const [user2, roll2] = useContext(MyContext); // Use useContext hook to access the context and destructure user2 and roll2 from it

    const { user, setUser } = useContext(MyContext); // ๐ŸŽฏ Use useContext hook to access the context and destructure user and setUser from it

    return (
            {/* <p>Faltu Page: {user1}</p> Display user1 obtained from context */}

            {/* <p>Faltu Page: {user2}, and roll: {roll2} </p> Display user2 and roll2 obtained from context */}

            <p>Faltu Page: {user} </p> {/* Display user obtained from context */}

export default Faltu; // Export the Faltu component as default

4. Update Context Data:

File Name: Header.js

import { MyContext } from '@/LearnContext/Context'; // Import the MyContext context from its file
import React, { useContext } from 'react'; // Import necessary modules

const Header = () => { // Define a component named Header
    // let user = useContext(MyContext); // Access the user value from the context using useContext hook

    // let [user, roll] = useContext(MyContext); // Use useContext hook to access the context and extract user and roll variables

    let { user, setUser } = useContext(MyContext); // ๐ŸŽฏ Access both user and setUser from the context using destructuring

    return (
            <button className='my-btn' >{user}</button> {/* Render a button displaying the user value */}

            <button onClick={() => setUser('New Name- Rahul')} className='my-btn bg-orange-500' >Update- Username</button> {/* Render a button to update the user value */}

export default Header; // Export the Header component as default

